'Old Clothes, New Tricks'
'Old Clothes, New Tricks'

For the Wall Street Journal

'Would Jesus Overturn Your Board Table?'
'Would Jesus Overturn Your Board Table?'

For Christianity Today

'Secret Histories Mumbai'
'Secret Histories Mumbai'

For Soho House.

 For Charles Schwab  Art direction: Lily Chow

For Charles Schwab

Art direction: Lily Chow

'Alles Muss Raus'
'Alles Muss Raus'

For Capital.

'Foliage In Motion'
'Foliage In Motion'

For the Boston Globe

'How Cancel Culture Invaded the Book Club'
'How Cancel Culture Invaded the Book Club'

For The Telegraph

Art direction: Will Martin

'The Best Office Designs To Lure Back Remote Workers'
'The Best Office Designs To Lure Back Remote Workers'

For the Wall Street Journal, Journal Report.

Art director: Siung Tjia

'Breaking Camp'
'Breaking Camp'

For Readers Digest

'Foliage In Motion'
'Foliage In Motion'

For The Boston Globe Magazine

'My Lockdown Smelled Like Lavender'
'My Lockdown Smelled Like Lavender'

For Experience magazine

Art direction: Angela Pyne

'New England Travel Guide'
'New England Travel Guide'

For the Boston Globe

Art direction: Greg Klee

'When The Tide Turns'
'When The Tide Turns'

For The Economist

Art director: Matt Withers

'Can You Actually Ditch Your Car for an E-Bike? Maybe'
'Can You Actually Ditch Your Car for an E-Bike? Maybe'

For the Wall Street Journal.

Art direction: Marlene Szczesny

'Soho Secret Histories'
'Soho Secret Histories'

For Soho House

'Christmas Cover'
'Christmas Cover'

For The Economist

Art direction: Matt Withers

'Saving For Retirement"
'Saving For Retirement"

For the Wall Street Journal

Art direction: Lynne Carty

‘Tax Moves to Consider for an Unusual Year’
‘Tax Moves to Consider for an Unusual Year’

For Barron’s

Art direction: Sue Ng

'Reading in Antarctica'
'Reading in Antarctica'

For The Economist. The perils of reading Dostoyevsky in Antarctica

Art direction: Carole Alimo

'Superbowl LV'
'Superbowl LV'

For Mr Porter

'New England Travel Guide'
'New England Travel Guide'

For the Boston Globe

Art direction: Greg Klee

San Francisco Sketch
San Francisco Sketch
'Invisible Enemy'
'Invisible Enemy'

For Aftenposten Innsikt

Art direction: Tine Skarland

'Secret Histories'
'Secret Histories'

For Soho House, Shoreditch

'Twenty Years of Soho House New York'
'Twenty Years of Soho House New York'

For Soho House

'Wanted, A Safer Commute'
'Wanted, A Safer Commute'

For the cover of the Wall Street Journal “Off Duty” section.

Art direction: Forest Evashevski

'Picking Flowers'
'Picking Flowers'
“Movie Theaters Are Reopening. Here’s Why Our Journalists Are In No Rush To Return”
“Movie Theaters Are Reopening. Here’s Why Our Journalists Are In No Rush To Return”

For the LA Times

Art direction: Judith Pryor

'Secret Histories, Babington House'
'Secret Histories, Babington House'

For Soho House

'Dark Web'
'Dark Web'

For Die Zeit

'Take Out'
'Take Out'
'Old Clothes, New Tricks'
'Would Jesus Overturn Your Board Table?'
'Secret Histories Mumbai'
 For Charles Schwab  Art direction: Lily Chow
'Alles Muss Raus'
'Foliage In Motion'
'How Cancel Culture Invaded the Book Club'
'The Best Office Designs To Lure Back Remote Workers'
'Breaking Camp'
'Foliage In Motion'
'My Lockdown Smelled Like Lavender'
'New England Travel Guide'
'When The Tide Turns'
'Can You Actually Ditch Your Car for an E-Bike? Maybe'
'Soho Secret Histories'
'Christmas Cover'
'Saving For Retirement"
‘Tax Moves to Consider for an Unusual Year’
'Reading in Antarctica'
'Superbowl LV'
'New England Travel Guide'
San Francisco Sketch
'Invisible Enemy'
'Secret Histories'
'Twenty Years of Soho House New York'
'Wanted, A Safer Commute'
'Picking Flowers'
“Movie Theaters Are Reopening. Here’s Why Our Journalists Are In No Rush To Return”
'Secret Histories, Babington House'
'Dark Web'
'Take Out'
'Old Clothes, New Tricks'

For the Wall Street Journal

'Would Jesus Overturn Your Board Table?'

For Christianity Today

'Secret Histories Mumbai'

For Soho House.

For Charles Schwab

Art direction: Lily Chow

'Alles Muss Raus'

For Capital.

'Foliage In Motion'

For the Boston Globe

'How Cancel Culture Invaded the Book Club'

For The Telegraph

Art direction: Will Martin

'The Best Office Designs To Lure Back Remote Workers'

For the Wall Street Journal, Journal Report.

Art director: Siung Tjia

'Breaking Camp'

For Readers Digest

'Foliage In Motion'

For The Boston Globe Magazine

'My Lockdown Smelled Like Lavender'

For Experience magazine

Art direction: Angela Pyne

'New England Travel Guide'

For the Boston Globe

Art direction: Greg Klee

'When The Tide Turns'

For The Economist

Art director: Matt Withers

'Can You Actually Ditch Your Car for an E-Bike? Maybe'

For the Wall Street Journal.

Art direction: Marlene Szczesny

'Soho Secret Histories'

For Soho House

'Christmas Cover'

For The Economist

Art direction: Matt Withers

'Saving For Retirement"

For the Wall Street Journal

Art direction: Lynne Carty

‘Tax Moves to Consider for an Unusual Year’

For Barron’s

Art direction: Sue Ng

'Reading in Antarctica'

For The Economist. The perils of reading Dostoyevsky in Antarctica

Art direction: Carole Alimo

'Superbowl LV'

For Mr Porter

'New England Travel Guide'

For the Boston Globe

Art direction: Greg Klee

San Francisco Sketch
'Invisible Enemy'

For Aftenposten Innsikt

Art direction: Tine Skarland

'Secret Histories'

For Soho House, Shoreditch

'Twenty Years of Soho House New York'

For Soho House

'Wanted, A Safer Commute'

For the cover of the Wall Street Journal “Off Duty” section.

Art direction: Forest Evashevski

'Picking Flowers'
“Movie Theaters Are Reopening. Here’s Why Our Journalists Are In No Rush To Return”

For the LA Times

Art direction: Judith Pryor

'Secret Histories, Babington House'

For Soho House

'Dark Web'

For Die Zeit

'Take Out'
show thumbnails